Help young people work out the difference between myths and facts about illegal drugs and understand the risks relating to violence and health.
What you will need
Before you begin, set up a fact and fiction sign on opposite sides of the room. Ensure the young people have a clear space in between.
Explain that today they are going to be exploring the common beliefs about drugs and trying to separate the facts from fiction.
Tell them that you're going to read some statements about illegal drugs and they need to decide whether the statement is a fact or fiction and move to that side of the room.
One by one, read each of the statements. After the young people choose a side, question one or two of them on their decision.
After the discussion reveal the correct answer and provide the brief explanation (see answer sheet).
Once you have finished reading out the statements, ask the young people if any surprised them.
Discuss how misconceptions about drugs can lead to risk taking behaviors, including violence.