What you will need
1. Show Online High
2. Divide the young people into smaller groups (approx. 6) and hand out flipchart paper and pens to each group.
3. Ask each group to choose a character:
Explain that they will use discussion prompt cards to create a story or backstory about their chosen character. Encourage them to nominate someone to write or take turns.
4. Hand out the first discussion prompt card. Groups will discuss and write a summary of their character's story. They can use paragraphs, bullet points, or whatever helps them.
5. After 5 minutes, give out the second prompt card for further discussion and story development.
6. After 5 minutes, hand out the third card and let groups continue their discussion.
7. Bring the groups back together and ask them to share their story so far.
8. Hand out the fourth prompt card and let each group discuss and write down two final points.
9. Ask each group to share their final two points with the larger group.
Discussion Points:
Emotions to Explore:
10. Summarise the key points highlighted by the groups in their feedback.
11. Discuss the role of violence in these situations and the impact on individuals and their communities.