A game to test out the bystander effect
What you will need
This is a version of 'Plants v Zombies'. Invite everyone to line up at one side of the room. Make sure there is space to cross the room safely and move furniture to the side if possible. Select a few members of the group to stand in the middle of the room. Each of them is a cactus, everyone else is a zombie.
The zombies, in full zombie acting - arms stretched out, creepy face, just go for it mode - have to cross to the other side of the room, trying not to get pricked by a cactus. The cacti have to stay in one spot but can stretch as far as they can reach. Switch roles and increase the number of cacti to make it harder for zombies to cross...or is it?
Chat about what happened when there were more cacti. Did anyone think another cactus would catch the zombie? If they did, this is the bystander effect in action. When more people are there, you are more likely to think someone else will take action, so you don't act. By raising awareness of this effect, we can make a decision to counter it. Find out more in the presentation and other activities and discussions.