Activities to support young people to navigate social media safely and prevent violence.
Activities to support young people to navigate social media safely and prevent violence.
Explore how you can use children's rights to advocate for change with this e-learning module.
This online training is intended to create space to talk through the issue of alcohol and its relationship to violence in Scotland. It’s not about saying to young people, ‘don’t drink!’ or ‘never go out’ or ‘avoid certain crowds’, because we know from experience and evidence that those Just Say No approaches have little impact on young people’s behaviour.
Practitioners will gain the knowledge, skills and resources needed to effectively inspire young people to engage in meaningful social action to create a safer Scotland. The use of videos, case studies, and interactive activities will enhance their learning experience and provide practical tools to apply in their work with young people.
Imagine a Man is about building positive masculinity with young people. Talking about positive masculinity promotes healthier gender norms and create a more equitable and inclusive society. Positive masculinity benefits everyone.
In 2021 No Knives, Better Lives explored what it was like to be a boy or young man in Scotland today. The purpose of the research was to develop and deepen our understanding of how young people felt about masculinity and growing up, and whether there was early evidence of the impact of cultural and social norms around masculinity on risk taking and violent behaviour. As a result of this work we started to use the term positive masculinity.
An overview of children's rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child for youth workers in Scotland.
This is an introduction for youth workers and other practitioners to compassionately work with young people experiencing grief and bereavement.
This is the fourth and final module in the course Understanding Violence Prevention and is all about putting your knowledge of violence prevention into practice. In this module you will explore how to develop a programme of activities for young people.
This is part of a series of courses on Restorative Approaches. This courses explores adversity experienced by children and young people, and how we can use a restorative approach to support resilience, reintegration and transformation.
Learn how to use No Knives Better Lives online peer education resources.