13 Sep 2018
by Orielle, Implementing NKBL locally, NKBL toolkits, NKBL and youth work
We’re excited to be launching our newest resource, Knife Carrying Prevention Work in Youth Justice Settings, this week at the National Youth Justice Conference in Stirling.
We developed the resource in response to requests from youth justice practitioners for material to support prevention work with young people who may be particularly at risk or who are known to have carried a knife.
It’s an exciting addition to our existing collection of toolkits and resources which, although useful in youth justice and social work settings, are intended to support primary prevention work (non-targeted, early prevention work with all young people). Developing this new resource was an opportunity to examine how the 4R’s of positive prevention can be applied in secondary prevention work.
The resource is essentially a session plan that practitioners can use to support their work with young people in the context of the Whole Systems Approachand Early and Effective Intervention.
It supports the following learning outcomes:
You can download a copy here or contact us for a hard copy.
Let us know what you think!