14 Sep 2018
by Orielle, NKBL in schools, NKBL and youth work
Save the date – Thursday 1st November 2018
The next NKBL network event will be taking place on Thursday 1st November in Glasgow. The focus will be on delivering prevention work in schools.
Further details coming soon.
Scottish Learning Festival
No Knives, Better Lives will be at the Scottish Learning Festival on the 19th and 20th September 2018 at the SEC, Glasgow. Our new resource will be available for free at our stand.
Register to attend the exhibition and seminars here.
MOOC on Child-friendly justice and children’s rights
Looking to boost your skills and knowledge? The Council of Europe are offering a free online course on child-friendly justice and children’s rights.
Children come into contact with the justice system in many different ways. It is therefore necessary to ensure that both access to and the processes within justice are always friendly towards children.
Sign up to the free course here.
CLD Practitioner survey
Education Scotland and the CLD Standards Council want to hear from practitioners, both voluntary and paid, working in the community learning and development sector in Scotland. The survey results will be used to help both organisations provide better support for the workforce and volunteers, as well as to better advocate for the sector.
Fill out the short survey here.
Our Hearings, Our Voice
The Children’s Hearing Improving Partnership are looking for children and young people to join a new board that will help influence and shape the Children’s Hearings System in Scotland. They are looking for young people aged 8-18 with experience of the Children’s Hearings System who want to make a difference. The deadline for applications is 1st October 2018.